The first year's Fellows are listed below in alphabetical order. Find out more about their projects by clicking on each name.


Nominated Fellow
University of Parma, Italy
Project title:
Empire and Gender in Scottish Migration Literature: Lady Anne Barnard’s “Cape” Writings
Dr Bharti Arora
Charles Wallace India Trust Fellow
Tagore Government Arts and Science College, Pondicherry
Project title:
Making Resistances, Performing Decoloniality: Peasants’ Negotiations of State in Select Hindi Fiction of Post-independence India
Dr Sandeep Bakshi
IASH-SSPS Research Fellow
Université Paris Cité / LARCA (CNRS UMR 8225)
Project title:
Race, Queer Politics, and Decoloniality
A picture of Dr Poonam Bala
Visiting Research Fellow
Cleveland State University
Project title:
Medicine, Decolonisation and Indian Voices
Apphia Campbell
IASH / Traverse Creative Fellow
Project title:
Playwright in Residence
Dr Sam Challis
African Fellow
University of the Witwatersrand
Project title:
Digital innovation in decoloniality: enhancing the images of ‘Bushman’ resistance
Dr Edwin Coomasaru
Postdoctoral Fellow
Association for Art History
Project title:
Queer Tropics: Decolonising Sexuality and Ecology in Sri Lanka through Lionel Wendt’s Ceylon (1950) and Basil Wright’s Song of Ceylon (1934)
Dr Steffi Dippold
Centre for Research Collections Fellow
Kansas State University
Project title:
Deciphering the Indigenous Artifact Language of the Edinburgh Indian Primer (1669)
Dr Siphiwe Dube
African Fellow
University of the Witwatersrand
Project title:
The Theologico-Political Problem in Africa: A Decolonial Perspective
Dr Alejandro Manuel Flores Aguilar
CSMCH-IASH Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Texas at Austin
Project title:
Raised Gaze in Ixil Time: Towards a Minor History of War (1936-2020)
Dr Em Folescu
Visiting Research Fellow
University of Missouri
Project title:
Mary Shepherd on our knowledge of ourselves and the external world
Mr Michael Galban
Centre for Research Collections Fellow
Seneca Art & Culture Center, Ganondagan State Historic Site
Project title:
Deciphering the Indigenous Artifact Language of the Edinburgh Indian Primer (1669)
Professor Julietta Hua
Nominated Fellow
San Francisco State University
Project title:
Race, Colonialism, Technology
Professor Ronald A. Johnson
American Philosophical Society Fellow
Baylor University
Project title:
Edward Stevens: A Checkered History in Black Freedom & Atlantic Slavery
Dr Ali Kassem
Alwaleed Postdoctoral Fellow
American University of Beirut
Project title:
Anti-Muslim Racism and Global Modernity/Coloniality:  the Experienced Erasure of Lived Islam in West Asia
Dr Mallika Leuzinger
Digital Postdoctoral Fellow
Princeton University
Project title:
Archival Imaginaries and the Politics of History in South Asia
Dr Sarah Levin-Richardson
Visiting Research Fellow
University of Washington
Project title:
Born into Slavery: Recovering the Lives of Homeborn Slaves in Roman Culture
Dr Paul Merchant
Environmental Humanities Fellow
University of Bristol
Project title:
Rethinking the Blue Humanities from the Pacific Ocean
Dr Matthew D. Morrison
American Council of Learned Societies Fellow
New York University
Project title:
Blacksound: Making Race and Popular Music in the United States
Dr Seán Mfundza Muller
IASH-SSPS Visiting Research Fellow
University of Johannesburg
Project title:
Decolonisation across the disciplines
Dr Michael Murphy
Postdoctoral Fellow
Max Planck Institute of Comparative and International Private Law
Project title:
A Decolonial Philosophy of Law: Toward Radical Imaginations of Democracy
Placeholder Avatar
CTPI Duncan Forrester Fellow
University of Leeds
Project title:
The Decolonizing God: Black Epistemic Challenges to White Jesus
Dr Doreen Nchang
British Council-IASH Fellow on Decolonising Digital
University of Cape Town
Project title:
Redesigning Open Access and research communication in Francophone Africa: academic librarians, the game changers
Dr Obinna Nwokike
RACE.ED Archival Fellow
Benson Idahosa University
Project title:
The Sudan United Mission and activities in Nigeria
Dr Alasambom Nyingchuo
British Council Decolonising Digital Fellow
University of Bamenda
Project title:
Decolonising and democratising digital space
Centre for Research Collections Fellow
Hunter College, City University of New York
Project title:
The ‘Charaib Argantes’ and the Scottish Tancredi: Historical Imagination and the Colonial Legacy in eighteenth-century Caribbean and Scotland
Prof. Geeta Patel
Visiting Research Fellow
University of Virginia
Project title:
A Poor Person's History of Colonial Pensions
Dr Victor Peterson II
RACE.ED Archival Research Fellow
Project title:
Archiving Mood: Black Sound and Social Movements
Dr Alycia Pirmohamed
Junior Anniversary Fellow
University of Liverpool
Project title:
Radical Landscape Poetry by Racialised Women and Non-Binary Writers in the UK
Dr Timothy Riding
Scottish Arts and Humanities Alliance Postdoctoral Fellow
University of York
Project title:
The Darien Scheme, Colonialism and the Scottish Curriculum
Prof. Catherine Roach
Visiting Research Fellow
University of Alabama
Project title:
The Greek Slave Speaks: Decolonial and Feminist Perspectives on a Lost Piece of Scottish Art History
Dr Vivek Santayana
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Edinburgh
Project title:
Dissident Imaginaries: Speculative Fiction and Epistemic Resistance in the Works of Nnedi Okorafor and Mimi Mondal
Dr Jayita Sarkar
Nominated Fellow
University of Glasgow
Project title:
Connected Partitions: From South Asia to the World
Visiting Research Fellow
Independent Scholar
Project title:
Decolonization of Religion and Indian Nationalism: a Study of Jagannatha Temple at Puri, Odisha, India from the 19th to 20th Century
An illustration of the Royal Infirmary by Paul Sandby, 1738.
Daiches-Manning Memorial Fellow
Independent Scholar
Project title:
Slavery, Colonialism and the Edinburgh Medical School in the Long Eighteenth Century
Dr Dana Van Kooy
Visiting Research Fellow
Michigan Technological University
Project title:
Atlantic Configurations and the Aesthetics of Disappearance Manuscript
Dr Joanna Wilson Scott
Susan Manning Fellow
Bishop Grosseteste University
Project title:
Perforated Landscapes and Western Extractivist Practices in Island Literatures of the Global South
Dr Farren Yero
Visiting Research Fellow
Duke University
Project title:
Atlantic Antidote: Race, Gender, and the Birth of the First Vaccine