Dr Obinna Nwokike

RACE.ED Archival Fellow
Dr Obinna Nwokike

Dr Obinna Nwokike - orcid.org/0000-0001-6850-8001

RACE.ED Archival Fellow, November 2021 - August 2022

Home Institution: Benson Idahosa University, Nigeria

Dr Nwokike’s work is interdisciplinary. It involves studying some of the University of Edinburgh’s collections to re-organize the knowledge embedded within these archival materials. Prior to joining this fellowship at IASH, Obinna was lecturing at Benson Idahosa University.  He was awarded his PhD from Babcock University.

Project Title: The Sudan United Mission and activities in Nigeria

This project studies the University of Edinburgh’s unique collections to enhance the understanding of these collections from a Nigerian perspective. It is embedded in a larger ongoing research project, the Institute Project on Decoloniality (IPD-24).  It would involve enhancing existing descriptions through the identification of languages, name changes in the collections so that these are contextualized and adding geo-location references that are linked back to the archives. In this project, I will put together several pieces of archival evidence from the Sudan United Mission collections to demonstrate the interplay between Christianity and Islam during this period as well as colonialism.