One month to go for 2024-25 Mid-Career & Senior Fellowships

The deadline for IASH Fellowships aimed at mid-career and senior scholars is on Friday 23 February at 17:00 GMT. For visits between August 2024 and July 2025, IASH must receive your application by that date for the following funded programmes:

African Fellowships for research in health informatics, rangeland management, inequality studies and digital innovation, along with environmental humanities and medical humanities; available only for researchers based at the University of the Witwatersrand.

American Philosophical Society Fellowship for research in any aspect of the humanities and social sciences, available only to residents of the United States (either American citizens or foreign nationals or permanent residents affiliated with a U.S. institution) or American citizens resident abroad.

Charles Wallace India Trust Fellowship for arts and humanities research (including South Asian film, literature, history etc) but not social science topics; applicants must be Indian citizens under 45, resident and pursuing their academic careers in India.

Combe Trust Fellowship for research in public theology, religion and religious education, physiology and health, Scots law, peacebuilding, prison reform, psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience, moral philosophy, natural sciences or the arts (e.g. theatre, film, dance, visual arts); open to senior researchers from anywhere in the world.

The Daiches-Manning Memorial Fellowship in 18th-Century Scottish Studies, open to scholars of all nationalities, in all disciplines, and at all career levels post-PhD. 

Digital Research Visiting Fellowships for outstanding, digitally-focussed, interdisciplinary research, international scholarly collaboration, and networking activities with a specific focus on the digital; open to mid-career and senior researchers from anywhere in the world.

Environmental Humanities Visiting Research Fellowships for research across the environmental humanities, open to scholars of all nationalities, in all disciplines, and at all career levels post-PhD. 

IASH-Alwaleed Research Fellowship for senior researchers from anywhere in the world working on contemporary Islam and the Muslim world.

IASH-SSPS Research Fellowships for social and political science researchers of all nationalities, in all disciplines, and at all career levels post-PhD; subject areas include African studies, politics, international relations, science, technology and innovation studies (STIS), social anthropology, social policy, social work and sociology.


The Institute also offers unfunded Visiting Research Fellowships and Nominated Fellowships for senior researchers who have access to sabbatical funding, grant funding or other financial support from their own institutions. The deadline for Visiting Research Fellowships is Friday 23 February at 17:00 GMT; there is no deadline for Nominated Fellowships, but we encourage application as far in advance of your planned visit as possible.


In all cases, applicants must make contact with a suitable mentor from within the University of Edinburgh before submitting their application to IASH. The mentor should be named on the application form, and may choose to submit a letter of support, although this is not required. The format for applications is generally very short: the application form via our website, a CV, a project proposal and two references, which must be submitted by email to the Institute by the application deadline. Some programmes require additional documentation, such as a brief budget, but this is clearly listed on each Fellowship programme page above.