This scheme is designed to supplement the regular IASH Visiting Fellowship scheme by encouraging Schools within the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to nominate scholars from outwith the University whose research will contribute directly to the research plans of the sponsoring unit and the current interests of the Institute.
The Fellowships will be for a maximum tenure of 3 months per person during a period of intensive collaboration with a number of staff. Each Fellow will have a private office in the Institute and will be expected to play a full part both in the activities of the Institute and of the sponsoring group of scholars. There is no stipend associated with these Fellowships, but travel funds can sometimes be made available if needed.
The sponsors from within Schools are responsible for submitting applications with a full proposal and CV of the applicant to the Director of the Institute.
Applications will be considered at any time during the academic year; acceptance by the Institute will be dependent on the appropriateness of the proposal and the availability of space during the relevant period.