Speculative lunches usually take place between 1 and 2pm on Mondays or Fridays. Sandwiches and soft drinks are provided.
To propose an event, contact iash@ed.ac.uk.
Speculative Lunches have been held on:
- Gender Research @ Edinburgh
- Reparations for Slavery
- Photography in Research
- Nature
- The City
- Habit
- Sacred Space
- Memory
- Practice-Based Research
- Decadence
- Beauty
- Humanities and Climate Change
- Oral Culture
- The Uncanny
- Mestizaje, Créolité and Hybridity
- Word and Image
- Peace-Building
- Entrepreneurial Narratives
- Medical Humanities
- Mind and Metaphor
- Money and Markets
- Guided Experience
- Patrick Geddes: Polymath
- Interdisciplinary Eighteenth Century Studies
- Film Studies in the University
- Exploring the missing links between the humanities and business studies: towards a more ‘human business’?
Suggestions for other topics are welcome. If you (either alone or with a small group of colleagues) have an idea you think is promising – or simply very interesting – and would like to know what colleagues from different Schools might have to contribute from another perspective, get in touch with us and we’ll organise an event for you. To sponsor a Speculative Lunch, contact iash@ed.ac.uk.