Sabbatical Fellowships

Please note: These Fellowships are for University of Edinburgh staff only.

The Sabbatical Fellowship scheme is designed to enable colleagues who are on official sabbatical leave from the University to play an active role in Institute activities and to benefit to the fullest extent from the presence of other Fellows in residence.

Fellowships are tenable for a maximum of six months. No administrative or teaching duties are associated with the Fellowship, and it carries no stipend. Office accommodation will be provided subject to availability. Sabbatical Fellows will be expected to attend the Fellows’ seminars on Wednesdays, attend buffet luncheons on Tuesdays, and give a presentation of their research at some stage during their stay.

How to apply

Nominations of individuals by Departments or Schools, or applications by individuals themselves, must be received in the Institute at the beginning of the term prior to the term in which leave will be taken, and should include a curriculum vitae and an outline of the applicant’s proposed research topic. Please write to for nominations, applications and any further information you may require.