Visiting Research Fellow, February - July 2021
Glenda Norquay is Professor of Scottish Literary Studies at Liverpool John Moores University and Director of their Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History.
She did her first degree and PhD at the University of Edinburgh. She publishes in two main areas: Robert Louis Stevenson studies and Scottish women’s writings. Her monographs, R.L. Stevenson, literary networks and transatlantic publishing in the 1890s: the author incorporated (2020) which profiles a series of figures who worked with Stevenson in the context of changing mobility and new global publishing at the end of the nineteenth-century and Robert Louis Stevenson and Theories of Reading (2007) were both supported by research fellowships at IASH. She is editor of The Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Women’s Writing (2012) and has published extensively on Scottish women’s writing, most recently ‘“Daughterlands”: Personal and Political Mappings in Scottish Women’s Poetry’ Contemporary Women’s Writing (2020).
Project: Topographies of Identity in Scottish Fiction 1880-2020
Scotland is a country whose topography has produced particularly powerful spatial identities. Writers have consistently engaged – experientially, emotionally, discursively and politically – with its geography. Glenda’s project investigates the intense relationships with place and landscape in the Scottish novel between 1880 and 2020. The project aims to untangle the intersections of place, gender, class, genre, environment, national and regional identities in Scottish fiction.