Dr Yimon Lo
Postdoctoral Fellow, September 2020 – June 2021
Project Title: Romantic Silence: Voice and Identity in British Poetry, 1789-1850
Yimon Lo works on eighteenth- to nineteenth- century British literature, specialising in the poetry and poetics of the period. She completed her PhD at Durham University in 2020, and holds a Postdoctoral Fellowship at KU Leuven. Her work appears in English: Journal of the English Association, The Coleridge Bulletin, The British Association for Romantic Studies Review, and The Literary Encyclopedia. She has articles forthcoming in Romanticism and Tennyson Research Bulletin, and is currently preparing a monograph, Musical Wordsworth: Romantic Soundscape and Harmony, for publication.
Yimon has taught in the Department of English Studies at Durham University, and is Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She was the editorial assistant for The British Association for Romantic Studies Review.
Project Description:
During her IASH Fellowship, Yimon will be working on a section of her project on Romantic Silence: Voice and Identity in British Poetry, 1789-1850. Her research examines how manifestations of silence in Romantic poetry are integral to eighteenth- to nineteenth- century psychiatric and medical-scientific understanding of amnesia and mental disorder. Using medical manuscripts, biographical history, and textual analysis as methodological tools, her project investigates how the discourse and rhetoric of silence shaped the development of medical praxis in poetry of the Romantic period. Her work will focus on the history of mental disorder, history and theory of psychiatry, and the relationship between silence and medical vocabulary and literature.