September - October 2017
Dr Tanja Vahtikari is Senior Lecturer in history at the University of Tampere, Finland. She is also a member of the Centre of Excellence “History of Society: Re-thinking Finland 1400-2000” (Academy of Finland) and a member of the project “Experts, Communities and the Negotiation of the Experience of Modernity” (Kone Foundation). Her recent publications include Valuing World Heritage Cities (Routledge, 2017) and “Washing Away the Dirt of the War Years": History, Politics and the Reconstruction of Urban Communities in Post-World War II Helsinki, in Harm Kaal & Stefan Couperus (eds.) (Re)Constructing Communities in Europe, 1918–1968 (Routledge, 2017). While at IAHS, Tanja will conduct research on a comparative project on public history and the use of the past in postwar Nordic capitals (Helsinki, Stockholm and Oslo).