Dr Sneha Roy

IASH Affiliate 2023-24
Dr Sneha Roy

Dr Sneha Roy is a British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh. Prior to that, she was the Programme Officer for Fellows Programme at KAICIID International Dialogue Centre, Vienna. Broadly, her interest is anchored in the complexity, conformation, and contradictions around ‘agency’ and ‘infrapolitics’ in extremist discourses.

In my research, I try to challenge and destabilise the normative understanding and experiences of religious intolerance and identify ‘agents’ who even though critically impact the discourse, are not a part of the conversation. My PhD explored the Buddhist-Muslim relationship in Myanmar through the lived experiences of the Buddhist nuns, and for my postdoctoral studies I endeavour to understand environmental politics at the crossroads of hyper nationalism and gender in the Indo-Bangladesh borderland.

Alongside research, I’m passionate about research interventions in policymaking, youth-led advocacy, and impact-oriented activism at the grassroots.