Dr Sarah Dimick

Environmental Humanities Fellow
Dr Sarah Dimick

Dr Sarah Dimick

Environmental Humanities Fellow, June-July 2024

Home Institution: Harvard University; from July, Northwestern University

Sarah Dimick is an Assistant Professor of English at Harvard University. Her research, based in Anglophone literatures of the 20th and 21st centuries, focuses on literary portrayals of climate change and environmental justice. Her first book, Unseasonable: Climate Arrhythmias in Global Literatures, is forthcoming from Columbia University Press in 2024. Other writing appears in Contemporary Literature, ISLEMosaic, and Post45: Contemporaries. She co-edits the University of Virginia Press’s Under the Sign of Nature series.

Project title: Unseasonable

Building on my first book, Unseasonable: Climate Arrhythmias in Global Literatures, I will produce two essays about shifting seasons during the climate crisis. The first will highlight decolonial maple sugaring movements in Canada and the United States; the second will connect Derek Jarman’s seasonal writing to climate and public health.