Dr Sara Drury



August 2017 - July 2018                

Home Institution: Wabash College

Project: The Rhetoric of Deliberative Decision Making

Dr Sara Drury is Associate Professor of Rhetoric at Wabash College, and the Director of Wabash Democracy and Public Discourse, an interdisciplinary initiative designed to stimulate productive conversations in communities to address public problems.  Her research analyzes the quality and character of public discourse, with emphasis on rhetoric and democracy, and has been published in outlets such as Journal of Public Deliberation, Communication Quarterly, and Argumentation and Advocacy, and as chapters in The Effects of Rhetoric and Rhetoric’s Effects (University of South Carolina Press, 2015), and Deliberative Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning for Democratic Engagement (Michigan State University Press, 2017). While at IASH, Dr Drury will analyze deliberative publics, with particular focus on the rhetorical processes of naming, framing, weighing, and deciding.