Dr Miranda Anderson, University of Edinburgh
Nominated Fellow, March - August 2018
Project: History of Distributed Cognition
Miranda Anderson is an Anniversary Research Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Stirling. Her research focuses on cognitive approaches to literature and culture. She initiated the History of Distributed Cognition Project (http://www.hdc.ed.ac.uk) and the Palimpsest Project (www.litlong.org) which were funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Her Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship led to The Renaissance Extended Mind (2015) and she’s the author of a wide-range of journal articles. She is a co-editor on all four volumes in the History of Distributed Cognition (HDC) Series forthcoming from Edinburgh University Press. She’s working with the Talbot Rice Gallery towards creating an exhibition on the ways in which art explores or evidences aspects of distributed cognition and she’s planning a journal issue in which philosophers respond to the issues raised by the HDC essays.