Dr Michelle Brock

IASH/APS Visiting Research Fellow and Digital Scholarship Fellow 

IASH/APS Visiting Research Fellow, September to December 2019; Digital Scholarship Fellow, January - March 2020

Home Institution: Washington and Lee University    


Project: Mapping the Scottish Reformation


Michelle D. Brock is Associate Professor of British History at Washington and Lee University. Her research interests center on religious belief and identity in early modern Scotland, as well the history of the supernatural. She is the author of Satan and the Scots: The Devil in Post-Reformation Scotland, c.1560-1700 (Routledge, 2016) and co-editor of Knowing Demons, Knowing Spirits in the Early Modern Period (Palgrave, 2018). She is currently working on two projects: “For Covenant and Community: Religious Life in a Scottish Town,” a study of Ayr in southwest Scotland during the remarkable tenure of minister William Adair (1639- 1682); and “Mapping the Scottish Reformation,” a database and mapping tool to explore the lives, movements, and networks of the Scottish clergy between 1560 and 1689. Michelle is also the Book Review Editor for Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies of the Preternatural, and an editor for the Britain and the World book series published with Palgrave MacMillan.