Dr Mandy de Wilde

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr Mandy de Wilde

Postdoctoral Fellow, January to June 2019

Project: Energy and care in transition: understanding the relational life of low carbon technologies

I am an art historian and sociologist, trained in ethnographic methods and very much value an interdisciplinary outlook in my work. I received my PhD-education at the Sociology Department of the University of Amsterdam (2015) and worked as a postdoc at the University of Antwerp and Wageningen University. My academic work has allowed me to deepen and extend my intellectual and empirical grasp of affective relations and their engineering within various contexts such as the energy transition, welfare state regimes and local governance. The affective dimension of everyday life kept my interest when I started engaging with the field of sustainability, consumption and everyday life during my postdoctoral research. ​

At IASH, I am working on the first phase of my new project “environment and gender in transition: the care-ful life of sustainable technologies“ which focuses on the gendered politics of care as we transition to a sustainable society. This investigation is urgently needed to assess how sustainable household technologies influence our everyday life beyond their primary aim to reduce our carbon footprint. I will analyse, synthesise and harmonise links between science and technology studies, gender studies and studies on sustainable consumption to develop an innovative, interdisciplinary research approach to study the influence of sustainable technologies on everyday care practices and what this means for gender (in)equalities within households.

For a list of my publications, please see my ResearchGate page