Dr Liam Thornton
IASH European Fellow, October - November 2019
Project: The Socio-Economic Rights of Asylum Seekers and Human Rights Law
Liam is an assistant professor in law, in the Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin. As IASH European Fellow, Liam will be exploring legalities surrounding the socio-economic rights of persons seeking asylum. This project examines the degree to which universalist notions of rights protection, as these pertain to socio-economic rights, translate into legal protections for persons seeking asylum. Examining arguments surrounding the cosmopolitan nature of human rights law, this project evaluates the degree to which socio-economic legal rights, across international, European Union and Council of Europe human rights laws are truly universal, or whether they provide protection of a relativist scope. You can access Liam’s published research to date at his webpage, www.liamthornton.ie.