Dr Jarita Holbrook


IASH-SSPS Fellow, March - June 2020

Home Institution: University of the Western Cape


Project title: South African Oral Histories & ASTROMOVES in Edinburgh

Abstract: The South African Oral History Project for Astrophysicists has collected13 interviews with astronomers, astrophysicists, scientists, engineers, and telescope operators connected to South Africa.
A part of the activities around the bicentennial of astronomy in South Africa is the South Africa Oral History Project, which archives interviews all of which have not been analysed. There are several astrophysicists in Edinburgh that have connections to South Africa, including one who has already been interviewed for the project. ASTROMOVES is an international study of the career moves and decision-making of astrophysicists, with particular attention to diverse astrophysicists. I propose to interview those scientists in Edinburgh with connections to South Africa astronomy to add to the South Africa Oral History archives, and to analyse the new (and existing interviews when appropriate) for the ASTROMOVES project.