August - October 2017
Hannah Stark is senior lecturer in English at the University of Tasmania, Australia. She is the author of Feminist Theory After Deleuze (Bloomsbury 2016) and the co-editor, with Jon Roffe, of Deleuze and the Non/Human (Palgrave Macmillan 2015). Most recently she co-edited a special issue of Deleuze Studies, with Arun Saldanha, on “Deleuze and Guattari in the Anthropocene”. Hannah’s work in the Environmental Humanities is concerned with the nonhuman turn, species extinction, and intersectional work (particularly feminist, queer, and animal studies) on the Anthropocene. She is currently engaged in a project on “Extinction Afterlives” which utilises the Thylacine as a case study for thinking through the ethical, political, and emotional questions that arise when we look at extinct animals in museums in the Anthropocene. She is also working on a co-authored book, with Timothy Laurie, called How To Do Politics with Love, which works toward a post-sentimental concept of love.
As an Environmental Humanities visiting fellow, Hannah will be working on a project called “Love, Kinship, and Futurity in the Anthropocene.” This project interrogates cultural engagement with pressing environmental and social issues tied to intimacy such as extinction, fertility, overpopulation, and futurity. It examines how love is mobilised as a political resource for articulating new modes of diverse and multi-species sociality and new futures in the era of climate change.