Dr Anna Plassart

Dugald Stewart Project Fellow
Dr Anna Plassart

Dr Anna Plassart    

Dugald Stewart Project Fellow 2022-2024, in residence May - June 2022

Home Institution: The Open University

Dr Anna Plassart is Senior Lecturer in History at the Open University. She is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, and holds a PhD in History from the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on the history of European ideas in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with a particular interest in Scottish and French political philosophy. Her first book, The Scottish Enlightenment and the French Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 2015) examined the Scottish reception of the French Revolution, and looked at the ways in which David Hume and Adam Smith's intellectual heritage was reshaped by their Scottish readers during the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. Current research interests include Enlightenment theories of democracy (A Cultural History of Democracy in the Age of Enlightenment, eds M. Mosher and A. Plassart, Bloomsbury, 2021), and Enlightenment theories of international relations. In 2022 she was awarded a Leverhulme grant to complete a monograph on ideas of national independence in the eighteenth century.

Project Title: The Edinburgh Edition of Dugald Stewart

Anna is one of the volume editors for the forthcoming Edinburgh Edition of Dugald Stewart (eds. Knud Haakonssen and Paul Wood, Edinburgh University Press). She will use her time at the Institute to complete archival research in preparation for volume 7, Stewart’s Dissertation Exhibiting the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy since the Revival of Letters in Europe (1815/1821).