Dr Anamarija Horvat

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr Anamarija Horvat


Postdoctoral Fellow, September 2019 - July 2020

project: Mapping Queer Memory: Reflections of LGBTQ Pasts in Transnational Cinema

My research looks at contemporary LGBTQ representation in film and television, with a specific focus on how queer memory is depicted. At IASH, my work examines the intersection between queer memory and nationalism as it is depicted in transnational cinema. Through analysing the link between national memory, LGBTQ citizenship and the screen, my project thus aims to counter the frequent invisibility of queer pasts, and to bring together issues that are often mistakenly thought of in isolation.

My work at IASH builds on my doctoral work at Northumbria University, which has served as the bases for my forthcoming monograph Screening Queer Memory: LGBTQ Pasts in Contemporary Film and Television (Bloomsbury). In this book, I offer the first sustained academic theorisation of how queer memory has been shaped through cinematic and televisual representation, looking specifically at the American and British context and at issues such as intergenerational and activist queer memory. Apart from this, my other publications have also focused on LGBTQ representation, examining issues such as transgender and feminist memory, intersectionality and queer migration, and have appeared in the leading media studies journals Feminist Media Studies and Critical Studies in Television. I am co-founder of the Queer Screens Network, and am also co-chair of the Feminist and Queer Research workgroup at NECS (European Network of Cinema and Media Studies).


Screening Queer Memory: LGBTQ Pasts in Contemporary Film and Television. Monograph. Bloomsbury Publishing. (Forthcoming 2021)

“Streaming Privilege: Addressing Intersectionality in Transparent.” Critical Studies in Television 14, no. 4 (2019): 468-472. 10.1177/1749602019875867

“Haunting and Queer Histories: Representing Memory in Jill Soloway’s Transparent.” Feminist Media Studies (2019): 1-16. 10.1080/14680777.2019.1609060

“Crossing the Borders of Queer TV: Depictions of Migration and (Im)mobility in Contemporary LGBTQ Television.” Critical Studies in Television. (Forthcoming)

“Queer TV.” In The International Encyclopaedia of Gender, Media and Communication, edited by Karen Ross et al. New York: Wiley Blackwell, 2020.

“Queer Memory and Film.” In The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Queer Studies and Communication, edited by Isaac N. West and Frederik Dhaenens. Oxford University Press.  (Forthcoming)