Dr Adéla Rádková
Hume Fellow, September - December 2019
Home Institution: Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes
Adéla Rádková earned her Ph.D. from the Palacký University in Olomouc, the Czech Republic in the field of David Hume’s political philosophy. Her research focused on Hume’s political and religious thought and its impact on the Founding Fathers. At IASH she will continue with her research into Hume’s thought.
Hume’s Concept of Religious Toleration: Sources, Dilemmas, Discussions
Her current project at IASH is to challenge the traditional interpretation of David Hume as an enemy of religion. She believes that this characteristic lacks complexity since it omits his essays and History of England. In these writings, we can see Hume as a proponent of religious toleration and it sheds quite a different light on his religious thought. The aim of her research is therefore partly to broaden and enrich the standard interpretations of Hume’s religious thought and politics. Also, she will explore the impact of Hume’s ideas on his contemporaries and followers in the field of religious toleration and freedom with the emphasis on the historical conditions and the intellectual context.