Our 2024 IASH/Traverse Creative Fellow, playwright Isla Cowan, recently sat down with the Traverse team for a 10 Question interview to find out more about her new play, her experience of the Fellowship and what drives her work.
How have you found your experience working with the Traverse and IASH throughout 2024?
It’s been such a privilege to work with the Traverse and IASH on this play. My office in the IASH building, overlooking the Meadows, has been like a little haven and I’ve really enjoyed attending weekly lunches and seminars with the other IASH fellows. It’s fascinating to get an insight into these academics’ research – in a variety of fields – and it’s been really stimulating to be part of the IASH intellectual community. I think the highlight for me was going on the IASH writers’ retreat a few weeks ago – which was a weekend away in a big, beautiful house at The Burn, where I got lots of writing done and had a glorious little trip to the neighbouring town of Edzell too.
You can read the full interview here.