Jed Wentz: With muscles intense and a smile in the eyes: Finding 18th-century affects in our bodies today

Event date: 
Friday 16 November
St Cecilia's Hall, Niddry Street

'With muscles intense and a smile in the eyes: Finding 18th-century affects in our bodies today' with Jed Wentz, 14.30, St Cecilia's Hall, 16 November 2018, 14.30


This lecture demonstration presents ten practical exercises developed in the 18th century by Aaron Hill in order to help actors find specific affects in performance. The exercises will be demonstrated and then put to use in a monologue from Addison's Cato. Participants will then be invited to try Hill's method for themselves.


EAERN is a Royal Society of Edinburgh-funded interdisciplinary network that  brings together practitioners and scholars to investigate new approaches in using eighteenth-century arts education materials.


Find out more at or on Twitter @EAERNing, or email for details.