• S. Anandalakshmy, Lady Irwin College, New Delhi
  • Poonam Bala, University of Delhi
  • Garett Barden, University College Cork
  • Andre Beteille, University of Delhi
  • Father Norberto Castillo, University of Santo Tomás
  • Ed Cohen, Rollins College, Florida
  • Ralph Cohen, University of Virginia
  • Harold Coward, Institute for the Humanities at the University of Calgary
  • Ian Duncan, Yale University
  • Risto Eräsaari, University of Jyväskylä
  • John Haldane, University of St Andrews
  • Benjamin T. Hudson, Pennsylvania State University
  • Bruce Johnson, University of New South Wales
  • Senator Masao Kunihiro, House of Councillors, Tokyo
  • Rhys Maengwyn Jones, Australian National University
  • Martin Kayman, Coimbra University
  • Russell Keat, University of Lancaster
  • Phyllis Lambert, Canadian Centre for Architecture
  • Olive Lewin, Jamaica Institute of Folk Culture
  • Anne Loades CBE, University of Durham
  • Ashis Nandy, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi
  • John Psarouthakis, Industrial Technology Institute, Ann Arbor
  • Gavriel Reisner, Tel Aviv University
  • D. Thiery Ruddel, National Museum of Science and Technology
  • James Russell, University of British Columbia
  • Paul Russell, University of British Columbia
  • Lamin Sanneh, Yale University
  • Reverend Peter Serracino-Inglott, University of Malta
  • Anna Skotnicka-Maj, University of Silesia
  • Marvin Spevack, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität
  • Kapila Vatsyayan, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
  • Walter B. Waetjen, Cleveland State University
  • Zhou Xiaoliang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Richard Yeo, Griffith University


  • The Cultures and Institutions project launches, including four weekend seminars featuring speakers such as Professor Martha Nussbaum, Senator Masao Kunihiro and Professor Christopher Longuet-Higgins.
  • The Europe Redefined seminar is organised by Sir Mark Russell, former UK Ambassador to Turkey and Chief Clerk of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It features a keynote from Sir Ralf Dahrendorf, and speakers including John Tusa, the Rt. Hon. Malcolm Rifkind MP and Neal Ascherson.
  • Former Director Professor David Daiches is appointed CBE.
  • Professor Peter Jones visits the USA, Hawaii, Japan and Taiwan in October and November to develop links for the Costing Values project.

Paul Russell: “I have visited many fine universities over the years but this is the most pleasant and supportive environment I have found for my own research.”

John Haldane: “If IASH did not already exist, Edinburgh would need to create its like.”

Martin Kayman: “The peculiarly relaxed yet serious atmosphere of the place and the remarkable consideration and friendliness of the director and staff obviously helped one get on with one’s work and engage with one’s fellow scholars. One felt that one belonged to something important and exciting but by no means pompous. Substance counted for a good deal more than form.”

Olive Lewin: “May IASH continue to be an important agent for the encouragement of creative thinking, research and the exchange of ideas as well as techniques for improving the human condition across all man-made barriers, and globally for years to come.”


Dr S. Anandalakshmy, “Music Lessons in Madras: Holographing the Culture”; “Biographing a Grandfather”

Dr Poonam Bala, “Medical Education in 19th Century Bombay”

Professor Andre Beteille, “Caste & Family in Representations of Indian Society”; “The Backward Classes in Contemporary India”

Fr Norbert Castillo, “On Visions & Convictions: The Creative Act in Scientific Discoveries”

Professor Edward Cohen, “W.E. Henley’s Hospital Poems & The Old Infirmary, Edinburgh”

Professor Ralph Cohen, “Cultures and Everyday Life”

Professor Harold Coward, “How the shift from orality to literacy affects the experience of religions”; “The Pluralistic Challenge to the Traditional Religions”

Professor Ian Duncan, “Scott, Hogg, Romance and Cultural Production”; “The Ramparts of the West: Culture as Multiculture”

Professor Risto Eräsaari, “Social Science as Expertise”

Professor John Haldane, “Identity, Community and the Limits of Multiculturalism”

Dr Bruce Johnson, “Jazz and Radical Thought in Australia”

Professor Rhys M. Jones, “The Last Tasmanian – a film and its aftermath”; “Terra Australis, the human colonisation of the southern continent”; “Observers of Man; Rousseau, Adam Smith and the Shores of Van Diemens Land”

Professor Martin Kayman, “Testimony & Truth: The Novel & The Law”

Professor Russell Keat, “MacIntyre and Practices: Social Institutions and Individual Virtues”; “Liberalism and the Market: Monoculture, Multiculture or Anti-Culture”

Mrs Phyllis Lambert, “Architecture Built and on Paper”

Dr Olive Lewin, “Music as a Transcending Language”

Dr Ann Loades, “Dorothy Sayers: A re-appraisal”

Dr Ashis Nandy, “The Other Within: The Strange Case of Justice Radhabinod Pal”

Dr John Psarouthakis, “The Cultures of Technology-Intensive Manufacturing”; “What is a Corporation in Today’s Society?”

Dr Gavriel Reisner, “Finding and Losing the Father: Love and Death in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights

Dr D. Thiery Ruddel, “Artefacts, Replicas, Streetscapes and Props: the Changing Role of Objects in Museum Exhibits”

Professor James Russell, “Piecing Together History from Fragments: New Inscriptions from Southern Turkey”

Professor Lamin Sanneh, “‘They Stooped to Conquer’: Scriptural Translation and Cultural Transformation”; “Continuity and Discontinuity in Islamic Culture”

Reverend Professor Peter Serracino-Inglott, “Museums and Cultural Tourism”

Professor Dr Marvin Spevack, “Beyond Individualism: Names and Namelessness in Shakespeare”

Dr Kapila Vatsyayan, “Cultural Context: Artistic Experience, Expression, Communication and Response”

Professor Walter B. Waetjen, “The Humanities & Technology – Affinity & Tension”

Participants at the Cultures and Technologies seminar, 1991
Jonathan Ree and Harold Coward at the "Culture and Everyday Life" seminar, 1991
Drinks reception, 1991
Article from The Scotsman, 30 July 1991
Postcard from Dan N. Robertson, 1991
Article in The Australian, 23 January 1991
Stephen Bann, Martha Nussbaum and John Hope Mason at the "Culture and Everyday Life" seminar, 1991
Lord Balfour, Sandy Fenton and Francois Sigaut at the "Culture and Everyday Life" seminar, 1991
Lord Balfour, Sandy Fenton and Francois Sigaut at the "Culture and Everyday Life" seminar, 1991
Phyllis Lambert and Ruth Mohrmann at the "Culture and Everyday Life" seminar, 1991
S. Anandalakshmy at the "Culture and Everyday Life" seminar, 1991
Ralph Cohen and Olive Lewin at the "Culture and Everyday Life" seminar, 1991
"Europe Redefined", 1991: Nikolai Shmelyov and Guy Checketts
"Europe Redefined", 1991: Janos Martonyi and David Thompson
"Europe Redefined", 1991: Janos Martonyi, David Thompson and Peter Jones
"Europe Redefined", 1991: Norbert Walter and Alistair Mair
"Europe Redefined", 1991: Jan Mujsel and Janos Martonyi
"Europe Redefined", 1991: Sir David Smith, Rt Hon Malcolm Rifkind QC MP, Sir Ralf Dahrendorf
"Europe Redefined", 1991: Sir Gerald Elliot and Sir Mark Russell
"Europe Redefined", 1991
Ashis Nandy and Poonam Bala at the Cultures and Technologies seminar, 1991
Participants at the Cultures and Technologies seminar, 1991
Thierry Ruddel, Robert Fox and Sir Kenneth Alexander at the Cultures and Technologies seminar, 1991
Tim Ingold and Nicholas Barker at the Cultures and Technologies seminar, 1991
Conference: "Rhetoric and the Scottish Enlightenment", 10 December 1991
Seminar series: "Rhetoric in the University Today", 1991