- John F. Burrows, University of Newcastle
- Ruth Schwartz Cowan, State University of New York at Stony Brook
- Douglas Duncan, McMaster University
- Richard Gregory, University of Bristol
- James Hay, University of Illinois
- Stephen Hearst, British Broadcasting Corporation
- Winifred B. Horner, Texas Christian University
- Senator Masao Kunihiro, House of Councillors, Tokyo
- Christopher Longuet-Higgins, University of Sussex
- Ian Lowe, Commission for the Future, Victoria, Australia
- Alasdair MacIntyre, Vanderbilt University
- John McKay, former Lord Provost, Edinburgh
- Jeremy Mitchell, Consumer Policy Advisor
- Bernd Neumann, University of Trondheim
- Patrick Sherry, University of Lancaster
- Tom Stonier, University of Bradford
- Sławoj Szynkiewicz, Institute of History of Material Culture, Warsaw
- The Hon. Caspar Weinberger, former US Secretary of Defense
- Karina Williamson, St Hilda’s College Oxford
- Edward Woodhouse, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Christopher Worth, Monash University
- Colin Yallop, Macquarie University
- David Yencken, University of Melbourne
- Marnie Matthews is appointed as Secretary.
- Peter Jones undertakes a ‘world tour’ visiting Australia, New Zealand, and the United States to establish links between IASH and relevant senior persons such as professors in similar research centres. In total, 19 meetings are conducted in Australia, 6 in New Zealand, and 17 in America. His meetings in Australia are particularly fruitful; the Humanities Research Centre (HRC) at the Australian National University (ANU) had been founded in 1973, partly inspired by the establishment of IASH in 1969.
- TeCH 88: a major project on the theme of Technology, Communication and the Humanities. Keynotes at the main conference in August are given by Baroness Warnock and Sir Alan Peacock. Speakers include Senator Masao Kunihiro, Hon. Caspar Weinberger and Sir Kenneth Alexander.
- The first Distinguished Visiting Professors are appointed: Rt Hon. Malcolm Fraser, former Prime Minister of Australia, and Hon. Caspar Weinberger, former US Secretary of Defence under President Reagan.
John McKay: “Although the Fellows were provided with facilities to pursue their individual lines of enquiry, the Institute did not exist as an ‘ivory tower’ in which scholars worked in isolation. The day to day programmes of the Institute afforded ample opportunity for contact between Fellows and the outside world.”
Lady Balfour of Burleigh: “The Institute provides a place where scholars and practitioners can meet, face to face, in successive encounters, person to person, in small or large groups, over a period of days or weeks, with opportunities for solitary reflection, detached from the immediate pressures and influences of the contexts in which they usually work… We in Scotland are fortunate in having here an Institute that can play a crucial part in bringing together people from different cultures and professions to address matters of both immediate and long-term significance.”
Professor John F. Burrows, “Deciphering the Code within the Code: Literary Criticism, Statistical Analysis and Information Science”
Professor Ruth Schwartz Cowan, “Women and Technology”
Professor Douglas Duncan, “A Preliminary Enquiry into Sir John Clerk of Penicuik’s Historia Imperii Britanicii”
Professor Richard Gregory, “Technology and Human Thought”; “Exploratory Learning”
Mr Stephen Hearst, “The Grammar of Television”
Professor Winifred Horner, “Rhetoric in American Universities”
Professor Masao Kunihiro, “Cultural Identities and Divergencies”; “Strength and Weakness of Education in the Western Pacific”
Professor Christopher Longuet-Higgins, “The Importance of the Trivial or the Role of the Humanities in Information Technology”
Professor Ian Lowe, “Managing Technology for Public Benefit: A Noble AIM or an Impossible Dream?”
Professor Alasdair MacIntyre, “Tradition, Conflict and the Dissolution of Moral Enquiry”
Mr Jeremy Mitchell, “Television and the Consumer: 2000 and Beyond”
Professor Bernd Neumann, “On Writing a Biography – with special reference to Uwe Johnson’s Life and Work”
Dr Patrick Sherry, “The Holy Spirit and Aesthetics”
Professor Tom Stonier, “Communicative Society: A New Era in Human History”
Dr Sławoj Szynkiewicz, “Ethnic consciousness among the nomads: a case study from Mongolia”
The Hon. Caspar Weinberger, “Freedom and Technology”
Professor Edward Woodhouse, “Towards More Sophisticated Trial-and-Error in Technological Decision Making?”
Dr Christopher Worth, “Theatre and Society in Sir Walter Scott’s Edinburgh”
Professor Colin Yallop, “The Language of Health and Welfare: Problems of Standardisation of Communication in Australia”