• Annette Baier, University of Pittsburgh 
  • Paul Bator, California State University 
  • Brian Blench, Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries
  • Alexander Broadie, University of Glasgow
  • Harvey Chisick, University of Haifa
  • John Christie, University of Leeds
  • Thomas Crawford, University of Aberdeen
  • Marcus Cunliffe, George Washington University
  • Arthur Donovan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
  • Roger Emerson, University of Western Ontario
  • David Fenby, University of Otago 
  • John F. Finamore, University of Iowa
  • Nicholas Fisher, University of Aberdeen
  • Bianca Fontana, King’s College Research Centre, Cambridge
  • Thomas Frank, Università degli studi di Napoli 
  • Mark Goldie, Churchill College Cambridge 
  • Knud Haakonssen, Australian National University
  • Horst Drescher, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
  • Manfred Kuehn, Purdue University 
  • Donald McIntyre, Pomona College
  • Yves Michaud, University of Rouen
  • James Moore, Concordia University
  • David Fate Norton, McGill University
  • Joan Pittock-Wesson, University of Aberdeen
  • Frans Plank, University of Konstanz
  • Desmond C.M. Platt, St Antony’s College Oxford
  • Jina Politi, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki
  • John E. Revell, University of Toronto
  • Guenter Risse, University of California
  • John Robertson, St Hugh’s College Oxford
  • Rudiger Schreyer, RWTH Aachen
  • Richard Sher, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • M.A. Stewart, University of Lancaster
  • John Strawhorn, private scholar, Ayr
  • Michael Wheeler, University of Lancaster 
  • Norman E. White, University College Dublin
  • Charles Withers, College of St Paul & St Mary, Cheltenham
  • Robert Wokler, University of Manchester
  • Paul Wood, University of Victoria


  • Professor Peter Jones is appointed Director of the Institute.
  • Institute Project on the Scottish Enlightenment (IPSE ‘86): forty Fellows in residence; six international conferences; 200 lectures and seminars attended by 8,000 members of the public; three concerts at St Cecilia’s Hall and a play commissioned for the Edinburgh International Festival, Conversations at Mr Hume’s by Roger Savage, adapted from Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion; A Hotbed of Genius exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, designed by John L. Paterson and attended by 20,000 visitors; an exhibition of paintings at the Talbot Rice Gallery titled Painting in Scotland: the Golden Age.

Professor Jones: “The dramatic success of IPSE ’86, with 40 Fellows in residence, over 200 public lectures, International Festival Exhibitions, concerts and plays, bears testament to IASH’s claim as the leading research centre in the UK in promoting post-doctoral work of an interdisciplinary character and, where appropriate, with Scottish dimensions.”

  • The conference produces another collection of essays, co-edited by Jones, his wife Jean, and Daiches, The Scottish Enlightenment, 1730-1790: a hotbed of genius.
  • IPSE attracts enormous public interest and attention. Over 8,000 people attend more than 200 lectures, and the Edinburgh International Festival adopts the Institute’s theme as its own. As a result of the Project, several scholarly societies and groups around the world are founded to pursue the study of the Scottish Enlightenment in all its aspects.

Report on the Academic Year 1986/1987: “225 lectures attended by 8,000 members of the public; 6 International Conferences; 40 IPSE Fellows elected in public competition, 20,000 visitors at the IPSE Hotbed of Genius exhibition; the accompanying book A Hotbed of Genius sold out, after reaching Number 2 on the Scottish bestseller lists; concerts and a play organised by IPSE for the Festival; adoption of the IPSE theme by the Edinburgh International Festival, with consequential additional events.”

Royal Society of Edinburgh Lectures in association with Institute Project Scottish Enlightenment 1986:

  • Professor Peter Jones, University of Edinburgh, “David Hume”
  • Dr Robert Anderson, Director National Museums of Scotland, “Joseph Black”
  • Professor David Raphael, Imperial College London, “Adam Smith”
  • Professor Donald McIntyre, Pomona College Claremount, “James Hutton”

Royal Museum of Scotland Lectures in association with IPSE 1986:

  • Professor David Daiches, “The Scottish Enlightenment”
  • Professor Gordon Craig, “John Clerk of Eldin, James Hutton and Sir James Hall”
  • Dr Nicholas Phillipson, “A Social Historian’s View of the Scottish Enlightenment”
  • Professor Horst Drescher, “Henry Mackenzie: Enlightenment and Feeling”
  • Mr Basil Skinner, “Architecture and the Scottish Enlightenment”
  • Professor Andrew Skinner, “Adam Smith and James Steuart”
  • Professor Neil MacCormick, “Legal Thought and the Scottish Enlightenment”
  • Dr David Johnson “Music and the Scottish Enlightenment”
  • Dr Hugh Torrens, “James Watt”
  • Dr Duncan Macmillan, “The Golden Age of Scottish Painting”
  • Professor Thomas Markus, “Buildings and the Ordering of Minds and Bodies”

Annette Baier: “I was quite delighted with the Hope Park Square building, and my office was high up in it, and thoroughly enjoyed my time there.”

Donald B. McIntyre: “A first-class Institute as a model for other Universities to emulate…the Institute plays a vital role in bridging the gulf between humanities and science.”

Robert Wokler: “An invitation to take up a fellowship or attend a conference characteristically inspires the delight of all students of Western cultures or enterprise, and the curiosity of everyone else. It arrives like an enticing calling card from Hume or Dalrymple, betaking the delights of the archives of the Advocate’s Library…”


Professor Annette Baier, “The weak and the pious sex – Hume’s view”

Professor Paul Bator, “The formation of the Edinburgh Chair of Rhetoric”

Mr Brian Blench, “West Scotland Eighteenth Century Glass Industry”

Professor Alexander Broadie, “Pre-reformation Scottish Precursors of Thomas Reid”

Dr Harvey Chisick, “The Necessity and Contingency of Poverty in Hume and Smith”

Dr John Christie, “Natural History in the Scottish Enlightenment”

Mr Thomas Crawford, “Boswell, Temple and the Current Ideas”

Professor Marcus Cunliffe, “Genius Plus Popularity: Walter Scott to Mark Twain”

Professor Arthur Donovan, “Theory Change in 18th Century Chemistry: Natural traditions in a scientific revolution”

Professor Roger Emerson, “Scots Doctors in America”

Professor David Fenby, “Chemistry and the Scottish Enlightenment”

Professor John F. Finamore, “Francis Hutcheson’s Synopsis Metaphysicae

Dr Nick Fisher, “The University Lecture as a Sermon of the Enlightenment”

Dr Bianca Fontana, “The Heritage of the Edinburgh Review”

Professor Thomas Frank, “The Study of Language during the Scottish Enlightenment: Campbell, Beattie and Blair”

Dr Mark Goldie, “Civil Religion and the Scottish Enlightenment”

Professor Karl Guthke, “B. Traven or was it somebody else? Towards a solution of the ‘greatest literary mystery of modern times’”

Professor Manfred Kuehn, “Scepticism and the Limits of Knowledge in the Scottish Enlightenment”

Professor Donald McIntyre, “James Hutton”

Professor David Fate Norton, “Hume, Religion and Morality”

Professor Frans Plank, “Considerations Concerning the First Formation of Language Typology”

Professor Desmond C.M. Platt, “Britain as an Overseas Investor in 1914: New Thoughts on Numbers”

Professor Jina Politi, “Narrative Transformations: The Bride of Lammermoor

Professor E. John Revell, “Hebrew Language and Biblical Narrative”

Professor Guenter Risse, “Hospital Care at the Edinburgh Infirmary”

Dr John Robertson, “Scotland and Naples: Two Provincial Enlightenments”

Dr Rüdiger Schreyer, “‘Pray What Language Did Your Wild Couple Speak, When They First Met? – Language and the Science of Man in the Scottish Enlightenment”

Professor Richard Sher, “The Culture of the Literati: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to the Scottish Enlightenment”

Dr John Strawhorn, “How Enlightened was Ayrshire?”

Professor Michael Wheeler, “Can These Dry Bones Live? Death & the Future Life in Victorian Literature and Theology”

Dr Norman E White, “Gerald Manley Hopkins: Problems in the Biography, and the Interference of Sherlock Holmes”

Professor Charles Withers, “‘The Georgical and the Geological’: Relationships between Agriculture, Geology and Natural History in the Work of the Reverend Doctor John Walker (1731-1803)”

Professor Paul Wood, “Science and the Aberdeen Enlightenment”

Dr Robert Wokler, “Kames and Monboddo and the Nature of Man”

Peter Jones in 1986
Peter Jones in 1986
David Daiches, Jenny Gillies, Jean Jones and Peter Jones, 1986
Jennie Gillies, David Daiches and Marnie Matthews at the "A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
John Patterson (ECA) explains his designs for the 'A Hotbed of Genius' exhibition.
John Patterson (ECA) explains his designs for the 'A Hotbed of Genius' exhibition.
Poster for "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 1986. Cast includes Roy Hanlon, Mary Riggans, Ronald Aitken, John Mitchell and Hamish Reid
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
Scene from "Conversations at Mr Hume's" by Roger Savage, 27-30 August 1986
IASH Bulletin, 1986
IASH Bulletin, 1986
IASH Bulletin, 1986
IASH Bulletin, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
Press release on the appointment of Peter Jones as the first full-time IASH Director, 1986
Letter to Peter Jones concerning the cleaning of Enlightenment notables' graves, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
"A Hotbed of Genius" exhibition at the Royal Museum of Scotland, 1986
Lord and Lady Cameron at the Talbot Rice Gallery to see "Painting in Scotland: the Golden Age", 1986
Robert Anderson (Director of National Museums of Scotland), Margaret Anderson and Jean Jones
Alexander Brodie at IPSE, 1986